Our Mission
Supporting our nation's heroes
Combining our efforts with local and national organizations, we work to provide valuable resources and donations in order to ensure we stay active in the fight against PTS.
A big part of our approach is using our time, energy, and resources to send Central Oregon veterans and first responders to the Save A Warrior foundation (SAW) each year. Using a cohort model, they encourage participants to engage in a 72-hour long wellness seminar using the outdoors to enable increased mental and physical health.
By redirecting the experience of PTS held by so many veterans and first responders, we facilitate meaningful change along their journey toward a better and healthier life.
We provide those impacted by PTS a new purpose and a new shared outlook through various recreational and spiritual activities conducive to healing and enrichment. Throughout the Pacific Northwest, we provide ongoing support and resources to ensure the health and well-being of our heroes.
Plan a trip
Upcoming trips
We believe that healing begins with community. Join us on our recreational trips built to foster belonging and facilitate mental and physical restoration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Take the pledge
Take the pledge to help veterans and first responders. A limited edition Warrior Impact bracelet will be sent to you.